When You Embrace Your Own Radiance...

When you embrace your own radiance, you inspire others to shine themselves. So true, isn't it? When we are not afraid to let our own light shine, it brightens much more than our own lives. It touches everyone who comes in contact with it, and brightens their's as well. I have been asked by the lovely Renee Burke of Happily Evert After to be a guest blogger for her "SumMEr of ME" Project.  The theme is about self care - how do we incorporate self care into our lives?  I believe that the greatest piece part of self care is allowing your own radiant light to shine, and surrounding yourself with the type of people who are inspired by it. So many of us are afraid to shine - afraid someone may feel diminished by your success. But in truth, that is backwards. It's your radiance that frees the rest of us to embrace our own.  Light attracts light.  Radiance attracts radiance. I have been in relationships before where people did feel threatened by the progress that was happening in my life.  People have been jealous of  the happiness I had found, or the personal fulfillment I had gained.  These people wanted to tear me down.  Bring me down to their level so that they felt better about themselves.  I refuse to engage in relationships like that anymore.  I refuse to connect frequently with someone who is somehow made small by radiance instead of inspired by it.  I choose to be around people who celebrate the success and radiance of others and who are inspired to shine radiance forward into their lives as well. My word for 2012 is Radiance (see the earlier blog post about it here)- and I created this painting both to remind myself to live my word, but also to celebrate the awesomeness of the "SumMEr of ME" Project.  I think Renee has done something amazing for all of her readers.  She is bringing the art of self care to the forefront of our consciousness.  If that isn't putting light out into the world, I don't know what is!! So go out and shine - shine brightly - right now! (Prints of this painting can be found for sale here in my Etsy Store)
July 14, 2012 by 1
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justmarydesigns said:

I love it that your word of the day is Radiance!! I am sure you are shining brightly for all of those around you to get inspired by!!

Rachél Payne

Rachél Payne said:

Crazy how the Universe brings you what you need. Radiance is the word of the day for me. And here it is in this lovely space…as if placed here just for me. Thank, Mary!


justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Rosemary! I know how times can get tough – hang in there! I’m glad this brightened your day!!


justmarydesigns said:

I’m so glad to hear that Sofia! Thanks for posting and have a radiant day!


Sofia said:

Mary Sterk is such a thoughtful artist! I love your post Mary and your art. It makes me feel joy inside! You have inspired me truly!


rosemary said:

This blog was just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for your words of encourgment. I wondered through your site and enjoyed my experiance there. As I am in the process of thyroid issues and continuing to gain weight despite my intentions… this was a resped of peace for me… A sincere Thankyou.


justmarydesigns said:

Why thank you Debbie!!!

Debbie Goode

Debbie Goode said:

Lovely post and beautiful art…..well done!

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