She Carried Herself With A Timeless Sense Of Class...

I've always been attracted to the look of a classy woman.  You know what I am talking about.  The kind that even looks like a million bucks when walking through a crowded airport.  I notice them while I am walking through the terminal in my lulu lemon yoga pants.  I think that Jackie O had the most fabulous sense of style.  When I wear a dress reminiscent of her style, I immediately feel classier.  Timeless class -  what does that mean to you?

What's Your Style?

I think this is true!  I'm working on an idea for a "Line".  Something that personifies me.  Something about being bold, living life on fire, and forging ahead in new directions.  Living a big life.  Because that is MY style.  What's yours?
October 22, 2011 by 1

Making a Mess....Finding My Style!


Sometimes learning what is NOT your style is just as important as learning what IS your style.  Here is what I have learned to be true this week:



1.  Sketching out a rough draft ahead of time is NOT my style.  


2.  Small, painstaking detail work is NOT my style.


3.  Highly repetitive work is NOT my style.


4.  I like to work intuitively - that IS my style.


5.  I like it messy and unplanned - that IS my style.


6.  I need for art to happen quickly and come together in an explosion of color - that IS MOST DEFINITELY my style!!


What's your style?