Have you ever noticed how life imitates art? Or maybe it's the other way around. I don't know.
But what I do know is I always have several art projects cooking at the same time...and I am always working on several areas of my life at the same time too.
I dip my paintbrush into the swirling colors and let it run onto a snappy white canvas. While that is drying I collage a few things onto another canvas in progress. Next I add a few things of ephemera to my art journal.
Outside of my studio I work a while on getting my house back into order after our recent move. Then I take a walk (with a few minutes of jogging!) to get some exercise and try to keep my weight manageable. Time for some reading about the latest and greatest business technique so I can keep my company growing.
Wether its art, relationships, business, family, weight loss, taking care of your home, learning a new skill, or even just injecting more fun into your life - we all seem to be constantly working on something. Building something. Growing something. Or maybe just fixing something. A never-ending quest to become just a little bit better. Growing into our best selves.
The cool thing about it is that we can choose to grow any time we want to. And that we have this wonderful ability to focus on and grow in multiple areas at the same time. So I guess just like my art, my life is always a work in progress!
What are you working on?