Queen Of The Sea...
I've been playing a lot in my art journal recently. It's a place for me to try new techniques, experiment with different mediums, and simply make a beautiful mess! I saw a site with some beautiful mer-girls and it inspired me to do this page - The Queen of The Sea. It got me to wondering what life might be like as a mermaid?
I wonder if deep under the sea, the queen of the mermaids asks herself "Does this tail make me look fat?". Does she hope her long flowing hair will attract the attention of just the right mer-man? For many of us land lubbers, it can be a major self confidence struggle to buy a new bathing suit and put it on. This little lady LIVES in one! Is she naturally skinny or does she have to go on a fish diet from time to time? Does she even eat fish? What about exercise - does she count laps swum between sunken ships? Does she find contentment in singing her siren song? Is her life one of play, or does she have a job? Kids?
Silly little ramblings I know...but that's why I call it "playing" in my art journal!!!