The Symmetry of Life...

Today I got great news.  The man who has been my mentor for many years took a new position a number of years ago.  It changed the scope of how we could work together during that time.  I missed the way we talked and created new paths to follow. He called today to tell me he was returning to his old position.  I am filled with joy!  Sometimes the stars seem to align and you get a wish you didn't even realize you had. I made this dish at a ceramics class this summer.  I tried my best to create symmetry with the decor.  To me, the pattern makes sense.  Makes me feel solid - sure - in line.  I get the same feeling with knowing my mentor is returning.  Things are happening as they should.  The stars are aligning.  There is perfect symmetry!
November 04, 2011 by 1
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justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Kathleen – very wise words!


cherishdesigns said:

Mary! I love that the stars are aligning for you!!! That is so exciting! Love your dish too! :-) Kris

Kathleen Jetmore Conard

Kathleen Jetmore Conard said:

I love the way you related these two seemingly different topics! I am happy for you – relationships can make all the difference in our lives.

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