Where are you heading?

[caption id="attachment_973" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]Your Journey Your Journey
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This life has many twists and turns.  It tends to take us in directions that we never imagined or didn't see coming.  Sometimes the destination is a place, sometimes it's a person, sometimes it's a feeling.     I want to visit beautiful places all over the world.  I want to paint again in Paris.  Ride in a red double decker bus in London - on the top level of course!  I want to swim off the Island of Capri.  Eat lunch and drink fine wine on the Spanish Steps in Rome.  Dine in a white washed patio in Greece.  And along the way I want my journey to take me towards freedom, peace and love - and luxuriate in the beauty of it all!

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justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Christina!! I know you will be living your own wide adventures too!!


Christina said:

All of the things you want to do sounds so appealing!! I can’t wait to hear how you get to do every single one of these things!!! You can do it!!


justmarydesigns said:

I can totally relate Janet! Sometimes solitude and a fresh environment is just what the creativity juices need to get flowing!

janet forrest

janet forrest said:

I have a wonderful, full life that I wouldn’t trade for anything, but there are times when the need to be alone, traveling – just me my camera and a satchel of art supplies sounds like heaven on earth…

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