Le Voyage Paris...Day 3

[caption id="attachment_901" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Journaling in Montremarte[/caption] Day three in Paris started out with my own private photo shoot with world renowned photographer Sivan Askayo.  Sivan is on our trip taking pictures of the entire group and all of our activities.  She offered us the chance to book our own shoot.  My first thought was "Well if I weighed 50 pounds less that would be really fun".  I realized what a crappy thought that was.  It made me pause and say to myself "What?  A photo shoot in Paris is an amazing opportunity ANY time...what girl wouldn't love that?!?!"  So I booked it - and it was magical!  Can you believe we found this fabulous cafe, with no one sitting in it.....and the chairs match my outfit just perfectly.  Talk about synchronicity!! One of the most fun parts of this photo shoot was the people around us observing it.  People assumed that I was some kind of important person or model since I was doing a shoot.  So strangers were stopping, watching, and taking their own pictures of me.  I think it is so funny that I will be someone elses's story and photo album of their trip to Paris!  When I pulled out my art supplies and was actually painting during the shoot, I hand several people stop and even get in Sivan's way so they could get their own shots of this artist in Paris.  Hilarious!! [caption id="attachment_908" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Painting....in Paris[/caption] After the shoot I met up with the group for a lunch at the restaurant, Angelina's.  The food was fabulous and the Rose was sparkling! [caption id="attachment_895" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Adorable salad presentation[/caption] But....the food is not the best part of Angelina's.  It's the hot chocolate.  It's to die for.  Take a look.... They bring you a cup full of decadent whipped cream.  And a charming pot of chocolate syrup.  Thick, rich melted chocolate.  Gooey, flavorful, coats your mouth kind of chocolate.  Your only job is to pour it on top of the whipped cream in your glass and stir.  The hot pour of chocolate literally melts the whipped cream.  It might be the best chocolate taste I have ever savored.  If you ever go to Paris, you MUST make a reservation at Angelina's, even if for nothing but the hot chocolate! Now it was time for some girlie type fun!  We made our way to Le Bon Marche to meet up with our group French Personal Stylist for the afternoon! [caption id="attachment_899" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Cecile - our French Stylist[/caption] Meet Cecile - doesn't she just embody the essence of what we think of French Fashion to be?  Tall, skinny, tight leather pants, purple boots, gorgeous blond hair.  Listening to her is our hostess Tonya Leigh - equally gorgeous and glamourous!  Cecile talked to us about embracing our femininity through paying attention to the small details....like the soft feeling of silken lingerie against your skin. Cecile took me around the store and pointed out what brands would accentuate my "assets".  She translated with the french speaking sales ladies and helped me find some gorgeous underthings that made me feel as beautiful inside as they looked on the outside.  There is just something alluring about knowing you have something amazing on next to your skin that no one else can see.  It's like a little gift to yourself - that you are worth the effort to create beauty for even if it just you that sees or knows it. Even the experience in the dressing rooms was totally fun.  First, they have a telephone IN the dressing room so you can call to request a different size.  Second, the sales people just walk in to your room and don't hesitate to grab your "girls" to see how things are fitting!  Yep - I totally got felt up by my sales lady....in the nicest way!!  Now I am pretty sure that my dear old dad is going to be reading this...so I will close my talk on all things lingerie and simply leave it at this.  I made some purchases there.... and they are FABULOUS! Beauty is all around you in Paris - even in the Metro.  I saw this wall made of lettered tiles.  Gorgeous work... very eye catching. [caption id="attachment_903" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Oooohhhhh....Yum![/caption] I finished my afternoon with a little shopping...and of course had to stop and admire these amazing pastries. [caption id="attachment_900" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Macaroon Tower![/caption] Macaroons are very big here.  There may be some lucky ladies in my office back home that get to sample some soon!! For me, this third day in Paris was all about beauty.  Being a part of the beauty of Paris, feeling beautiful in my photo shoot, delighting in the beauty of a divine hot chocolate, and claiming my feminine beauty with the help of a Parisian stylist.  I hope my day's journey of beauty inspires something gorgeous in your own life!!  
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Introducing Angelina | Just Mary Designs

Introducing Angelina | Just Mary Designs said:

[…] art studio.  The name Angelina is from an amazing restaurant that I dined in while there, which I blogged about in this post.  I love this painting…it takes me back to my wonderful trip and the amazing experience that […]


justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Sofia!!! You are so kind!!! :-)


justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Linda!! You definitely should go – it is a magical city!!! The artist in you will love it there!


justmarydesigns said:

Thanks Connie! The photoshoot was such a fun experience! I am so glad I did it!


Sofia said:

Mary! You look fabulous! umm….yeah body-fab-YOU-lous. what an AHHMAZING blog post. so happy for you!


Jill said:

OH Mary! I’m so jealous! This is so great:) I just showed my daughter and her friend the hot chocolate (they are drinking some right now) and they were mesmerized by your amazing picture of the cream and hot chocolate—looks heavenly.


Linda Kinnaman

Linda Kinnaman said:

OMG Mary! I am in love with your travels. I simply must go to Paris some day. You are so lucky to experience this trip on such a beautifully planned layered experience. Lucky YOU! Your new photos are fabulous! Love the cafe shot!!


Connie said:

I’m enjoying your Paris trip! Thanks for sharing. Love your photo shoot.

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