Introducing Angelina...

[caption id="attachment_948" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Angelina[/caption] Before I set off on my trip to Paris this fall I thought it would be a good idea to learn enough of the language to get around town.  I was introduced to the lovely Llyane of J'Ouelette who does French lessons via Skype (super smart way to do it!!!).  After the trip Llyane asked me to be a guest blogger on her site and to feature my art and to tell a story about my trip to Paris.  Click here to read all about it...its a story of falling in love!! This new painting, Angelina, was done while I was in Paris.  I took some canvas paper and brushes with me, and bought some paint at a little art store next to the Louvre.  I wandered the streets, painting here and there.  I started the canvas in a Patisserie...worked more in it sitting on the banks of the Sienne...and finished it when I got home to my art studio.  The name Angelina is from an amazing restaurant that I dined in while there, which I blogged about in this post.  I love this takes me back to my wonderful trip and the amazing experience that it was.  8X10 Prints are for sale in my Etsy Store!    
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Mary Cottingham

Mary Cottingham said:

Just beautiful, Mary! I went to Paris a few years ago with my husband and daughter, our son was working in France at the time. We were all thoroughly enchanted! It truly is the most gorgeous city. Went to London last spring, also a fabulous time, but there is just something about Paris that is so very special. I wish all our Fly Tribe sisters could see it!

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